Friday, December 2, 2011

Tobacco and Alochol

Chapter 8 (Tobacco) and Chapter 9 (Alcohol) are 2 important aspects of health and a must learn within our curriculum. Sadly, as our students enter high school and college they will be more exposed to these 2 substances. It is essential that our students know the facts and understand how harmful Tobacco and Alcohol can be to the body. Here are some startling facts relating to Alcohol and Tobacco:

Alcohol - Sobering Facts

Recent statistics on college campuses nation wide show that alcohol is involved in:

* About 65 percent of all violent behavior.

* Almost 50 percent of all physical injuries.

* About 30 percent of all emotional difficulties among students.

* Almost 30 percent of all academic problems.

Tobacco - Sobering Facts

* One in five deaths each year is caused by prolonged smoking.

* Smoking and secondhand smoke kill more people than AIDS, alcohol and drug abuse, car crashes, murders, suicides and fires combined.

* One in three adolescents/young adults who are "just experimenting" end up being addicted by the time they are 20 years old.

* Every cigarette you smoke takes away seven minutes of your life.

* Cigarettes contain over 4,000 chemicals and 2,000 poisons, including toxins found in nail polish remover, rat poisoning, battery acid, insecticides and rocket fuel.

* Underage smoking (under age 18) is not only unhealthy, it is illegal! If caught, you will pay a heavy fine- or worse.

* Nicotine, the main chemical in tobacco, is highly addictive; it is just as addictive as heroine or cocaine.

Chapter 8 and 9 Homework

We have been a little slow with homework recently but are putting the health bus back into high gear with some home work. Please look below for any homework that you need to work on:

Chapter 8 - Tobacco

Ch 8-1 & 2

Ch 8 - 3 & 4 & 5

Chapter 9 - Alcohol

Ch 9 - 1 & 2

Ch 9 - 3 & 4 & 5